Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Ok, let me start off with an apology for being absent from my blog for so long.  I have been working hard on my business and attempting to build up product inventory for my busy upcoming fall and winter craft show season.  As usual, I had the best intentions for working ahead, but I'm playing catch up instead.  I'm really not sure how it happened, but somehow we are already into the month of September!

Growing up my parents always told me that time goes by faster as you age.  This fact is totally true!  It seems to speed up with age and with becoming a parent.  My little man is going to be four in two short months. I have absolutely no idea how that happened!  My business is going to be two years old next month.  What?!  They say time flies when you're having fun, so I must be having a blast!  In truth, I am.  I am a lucky girl.  I'm happily married, mom to a fabulous little man and four precious fur babies, running my own business, and living a life where every day is different.  Is it easy? Hell no!  But it is extremely satisfying to be able to do what I love, be creative, be my own boss, and have my hard work pay off.  It is a constant juggling act full of endless to-do lists.  I fall into bed exhausted every night, but I happily get up to do it all over again the next day.
The Croft Family June, 2013
The Croft Family June, 2013

If you are not following your dreams, living your truth, and pursuing your passion - I have one question for you.  What are you waiting for?  Life is short, and it flies by in the blink of an eye...apparently faster every year!  It can be scary to go for what you truly want and plow forward at full speed, but choosing to push through the fear and grow is really what life is all about.  As we head into a new season and the leaves begin to change it should serve as a reminder to us all that we need to evaluate ourselves to see if we need to change as well.  I encourage you to look at where you are and assess how you feel.  If you are not happy to your core about the place you are in, make a change.  Sometimes we need to make small tweaks, but other times we need to take a deep breath and make a leap of faith.  Wouldn't it be better to make a mistake than to live forever with the regret that you never tried?  I'd like to share a fabulous quote that I found by Marianne Williamson.

Our Deepest Fear - Quote by Marianne Williamson
Just let that sink in for a minute.  We are all powerful individuals, and we were put here for a purpose.  The trick is to figure out what your purpose (i.e. passion) is and to pursue it will everything you are and all you've got.  Let the little light from within you shine with all its might.  Here is another fabulous quote I'd like to share from Bishop T.D. Jakes.

Figure Out Your Passion Quote by Bishop T.D. Jakes

When you figure out what your passion is, your purpose becomes pursuing it. You will work harder than you ever have before, but it will not feel like work because you will be filled with joy while you do it. Production days are my absolute favorite days. I work long hours (usually at least 10 a day), but the time flies by. I put on my sneakers, crank up some fun music on Pandora, and shake my booty while I create my products. Sometimes I'm so swept up that it's suddenly 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and I realize I haven't even eaten anything yet! I usually don't stop until I run out of counter space.  I absolutely LOVE what I do, and I believe that my joy, passion, and creativity show in my products.

The Prismatic Peacock's Typical Kitchen Counter Scene
Fall Scented Soy Candles in Progress

I have recently made a few changes myself in honor of the new season.  I got a new haircut. My son started full time preschool.  I signed up for a new 11-week mastermind group that focuses on Bob Proctor's Book "You Were Born Rich" and I am reading several new books on the law of attraction to keep postive things flowing into my life.  I am trying new things and branching out to grow and expand my business.  I also plan to get back into a regular workout routine and lose 30 pounds, but I think I'll wait and start that on Monday.......

New Look for The Prismatic Peacock's Jessica Croft
The New 'Do
If you'd like to check out some of the fruits of my labor, please visit my Etsy Shop!  You can also "like" my Facebook Page to keep up with The Prismatic Peacock.

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